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Feeling LUCKY?!

I'm feeling Super LUCKY.  I guess I was ready to get home today after school because I apparently left in hurry. I know I was in a hurry because of the red and blue lights behind me as I was leaving my school.

And it wasn't this super cute guy.... I wasn't that lucky. ;-)

Ya'll to make it worse my registration is out.  I know it's out.  I know I need to take care of it.  I know.  I just keep forgetting.

So the officer asked if I knew that was a school zone...remember I just pulled out of the school so I'm still wearing my TEACHER BADGE.  Ugh....Yes sir, I'm sorry I think I was so focused on getting out of here.  (wait, what?! Why did I say that? What does that even mean?)

Now he wants my drivers license and I have no idea..........NONE.ZERO. why I have 2 drivers license but I do. One has my old address and one has my new address.  Guess what I CANNOT find my license in my purse that is as big as my the palm of my hand!!  How do you lose something in a wristlet???

Oh it gets better......because I am taking so long to find the correct drivers license he notices my registration.  He taps on the the window and asks if I realized my registration is out.  Officer, I'm so sorry,  my husband is a police officer and he would be so upset if he knew I was in this situation.  Yes!-I was going to take care of it.

It's about this time that I find my insurance in my wristlet in the middle of 5 tampons that all fall out on my lap in front of this officer.  Why do I even have these in here??  As I'm trying to push the tampons off my lap and unfold my insurance I notice that it is not the most current insurance.

Ya'll my face is so red and I can feel my body temperature rising to dangerous levels.  This is embarrassing.  I'm afraid he's about to take me to a mental hospital.

He then says he knows my husband....have a good day.  

Okay, if you've read this much and also think that I should be committed....I understand and you deserve a little FREEBIE for the time you've wasted reading this.

Click here for this FREEBIE
You can visit the blog that goes into a little more detail about how I use this...just click here.

Well, I guess you can say that I've had a pretty sweet day.


  1. I really hope that you got that situation squared away because pretty women ALWAYS get tickets!

  2. I don't know how this only has one comment so far. I stumbled on to your blog by mistake. You had me laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face. I'm not laughing at you, but with you. This is my life, things like this happen to me all the time.
    Thank you for sharing!


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