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Some of the very sweetest seconds of my days are cooking with the people I LOVE. They make my heart pitter-patter!  We LOVE to cook together.  Now, let's be honest...I'm not a great cook BUT my people tell me it tastes wOnDeRfUl so I'm feeling confident enough to share it with you!  

In order to fully bring in the fall season (oh, and I had a couple of very ripe bananas ;-) we thought we would make some yummy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread.

Pinterest is my go-to for recipes and today a found a keeper from Sweet & Delish. The only things that I did different was I used 2 bananas instead of 3 and I covered the bread with foil for the last 30 minutes.

It's yummy!!

For dinner tonight (and tomorrow) I decided to make my Taco Soup.  I usually just throw some things from the pantry into the crockpot because the crockpot and I are basically best friends. ;-)

I like to add Quinoa to my taco meat because it makes it a little more filling.

Taco Soup

1 lb. of beef cooked
1 can of sweet corn
1 can of diced tomotoes
1 can of seasoned black beans
1/2 a packet of Fiesta Ranch Dressing
1 tablespoon of chili powder
2 cups of beef broth
1 cup of water
1 cup of cooked Quinoa 

Obviously Kroger has the best prices. haha!

In the crockpot add 1 can of Sweet Corn, Diced Tomatoes, and Seasoned Black Beans. Brown 1 lb. of beef in a skillet.  Add salt and pepper to taste. While browning the meat boil 2 cups of water and 1 cup of Quinoa in a pot. (This makes about 2 cups of Quinoa-I used 1 cup for another meal that I was making a the time) Mix Quinoa and meat together in skillet then add to the crockpot mixture.  Add a 2 cups of beef broth, 1 cup of water, and this is where the story gets this point I would add taco seasoning. **see side story** Add half a packet of Fiesta Ranch Dressing and 1 tablespoon of chili powder.
Cook on low for 3 hours. Serve with shredded cheese and corn chips.  It's DELISH!!

**I say..."Oh no, honey I'm out of taco seasoning all I have is Chili Powder.  I guess I could just create something of my own."  He says..."No, I'll run to the store for you. What else do you need?"  I say..."Just taco seasoning and a fall candle." ;-)  He says..."Okay."  
30 minutes later he returns with a brand new bottle of Chili Powder and a delicious fall candle. hahaha!!--and this is why we make a perfect couple.**  ^back to the recipe

Well, it's my new favorite fall meal.  It was wonderful and I know it will be even better tomorrow night.  If you give it a try let me know what you think. 


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