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Day 10 and 11 There's No Place Like San Francisco

On our way to half moon bay Josh stopped at a road side market to buy me some cherries. They were so YUMMY!  I was surprised by the amount of fruit crops along the coast to Half Moon Bay State Beach. 

We made a quick side trip to Pidgeon Point because the lighthouse was just too cute to pass.  We walked behind the lighthouse on an overlook and watched sea lions sunbathing.  Sea Lions….actual sea lions!  I know they don’t come from the zoo but I’ve never seen them in their natural habitat. 

Bean enjoyed the ocean for the first time.  He chased waves, shadows of the sea gulls, and hopped around the sand.

Half Moon Bay State Beach

He provided us with hours of entertainment.


Whatever happened to predictability, the milkman, the paperboy, the evening t.v.???

Yes, we found the Full House house.  There was a small warning sign reminding us not to be too loud or do anything to cause the neighbors to say “How Rude!”

Wow, the streets in San Francisco are seriously at a 45 degree angle but all the homes and stores had such beautiful architectural design that stayed consistent throughout the city.  It made the city feel so quaint.

This city LOVES the outdoors and I think that was another reason why I LOVED it.

We met some friendly officers that tried to talk us out of riding the Golden Gate Bridge.  They said it is like looking down into the Grand Canyon.  Wha!?!?  Had they read my blog????  Do they know how I feel about that???

Despite their warnings about the wind and height we rode the bridge. 

I am soooo glad I didn’t miss out on this.  It was an incredible experience.  And because we brought our own bikes I think we looked like the locals. 

Except when Jenna stopped in the middle of the trail and I ran into the back of her.  Otherwise, you would have never known we were tourists.

Make sure you get all the way to the water side of the bridge if you want to stop for pictures or talk AND don’t stop at the entrance for pictures because you’re in everyone else’s way.

You’re welcome for that tip. ;-)

We did take the officer’s advice and head down to Crissy Fields to ride our bikes around town. 

This town LOVES bikers and I suggest if you ever visit you need to explore the town on a bike.  Everyone shares the road; bikers, cars, and pedestrians.

We try to use YELP when we want to try new places to eat.  That’s how we found lunch, CodMother.  It is a permanent food truck and the food was great.  We could have easily shared but oh well, we are riding bikes so let’s eat all the things!!

Click here for more info

Josh wanted to ride Lombard Street.  Honestly, I was not feeling real confident about that so Jenna and I sat at cute little coffee shop and had an iced zebra mocha while we waited and prayed for Josh to return safely to us. 

Later we drove Lombard Street and it was incredible but I still think I made the right choice about not riding it.  You know me and how dangerous and I can be to myself and others, I would have ended up running into a car.

I know we just recently ate but there was a DELLI that had to be tried.  Not just any deli, it was a Ghirardelli. 

We ate until we were sick but it’s okay because we were riding bikes.  We shared the Lands End.  It had 2 brownies, fudge, caramel, sea salt, ice cream, whipped cream and a cherry.  It was MORE than enough for us.

Click here for more info
After 11 miles of riding we decided to get in the truck and drive through China Town and head to the Giants game.

The wind…oh my the wind.  Have you ever pedaled into the wind?  It’s like a bike treadmill.  I’m pretty sure that we looked like tourists at this point.

We showed up to the game needing tickets.  We didn’t really care about our seats we just wanted in so that we could experience the game and see the stadium. 

We must have had the look when we walked up because every scalper in the area was offering us “the best deals”.  They were arguing with each other about what we should spend.

Thank you StubHub, we got cheap tickets and enjoyed the game like true tourists.

We stayed until we were hungry and then decided to stop at Slice House on our way back to tiny home.

Tomorrow we are off to Yosemite, YO!


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