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Well, we have spent the past couple of days getting things checked off our TO DO list.  My classroom is ready for future leaders, scientist, doctors and world changers.  Jenna thought I needed to do a room tour so if your curious and have the time then check out my classroom.


On Saturday, I volunteered my family to help with the school garden.  I LOVE the idea of our garden and haven't really utilized it like I should.  My plan is to change that this year.  We showed up Saturday ready to help but Josh is still recovering from a herniated disc and has only been walking good for about a week.  When we showed up someone asked him to use the auger....I knew there was no way he could do that so I was like...I'LL DO IT.  

Out of the 4 men that were there only 1 didn't have a bad back.  I had already taken charge of this gigantic machine but I was thankful for Jojo's help.  I didn't think I was that much of a help until this morning.  Oh, I helped.  My back says I helped and my arms say I was a huge help.  I. AM. SORE.

We decided to bring Brew with us and put her in her crate right inside the school while we were working.  No big deal.....until the entire campus gets an email saying there was a dog found loose in the school.  What in the world?!?!  Well, apparently our school secretary showed up and heard Brew and decided to let her out for some water.  She never saw us around the corner in the garden and assumed the dog was left.  Panic.  I was am I going to explain this to my brand new boss.  This was not going to be good.

Let me just say.....I LOVE my new boss.  Love her.  I sent an email to her to explain and beg forgiveness.  She basically thought it was a funny story and said bring her anytime you want. Oh my....yay, for not having to find a new job. ;-)

We got up early this morning to finish working on the TO DO list with making play dough on the top.  

I need play dough this week for a lesson BUT I think it is also a great activity for kids the first couple days of school.  It keeps their hands and minds busy while you are greeting new students and handling paperwork.

This recipe is SUPER EASY and cheap.  

We are all set for play dough for the first day of school.

Next, I needed to get in the garage and finish up a few crafts that I started.  One of the things that Jenna wanted before school started was a Praise and Prayer board.  

She loves it and has already started using it. ;-)

A few fall porch signs because fall is my favorite.

I also decided to make Josh's coffee can for his class match his classroom theme.  That's really important.
A think a thin blue line coffee is more appropriate.  Of course he needs a sugar jar to match...

I have a feeling he is so happy that I save jars and cans.  

While I was cleaning jars I thought I'd try out a couple of teacher treat jars too.

The glare on the jars kind of throws of my color but I think they turned out cute and will make a nice teacher gift filled with chocolate.

Finally, I planned our dinners for the first week back to school.  

Other than all our first week jitters I think we are ready to get this school year started.  Have a sweet week!!


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