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Sharing Some Winning Dinners

I think some of our sweetest times together are at the dinner table.  It's not all magic and rainbows every night at dinner and sometimes we sit there in silence.  There is just something important about sitting at the dinner table together thatI LOVE and feel in my soul that it's important for families to do no matter what the topic of conversation is.

I'm always looking on Pinterest for ways to turn 2 ingredients in my cabinet into a magical feast for the family.  I don't always save my recipes on boards and I usually change things in the recipe based on what's in my pantry.

Dinner usually goes something like this....Look in the pantry and fridge...okay, I have sausage and I go to Pinterest and type in:  sausage and broccoli recipes

I go through and find the recipe that sounds good and make it.  Some nights it's success {{BOOM}} -everyone's impressed and some nights it's {{WOW}}-that was interesting, let's not do that again.

The first WINNING recipe from this week is....

Fettuccine with Roasted Red Pepper

Click {{here}}
Click the link for the recipe BUT here is how I changed it to make it work for us:  

First, I used Alfredo Sauce from a jar.......I know some of you are cringing but that's just how we roll sometimes.{{and honestly, I have craft plans for those jars}} I only used about one-fourth a cup of sauce and mix it with the noodles  and then added the chicken. 

Second, I cut up half of a red bell pepper, sauteed it in olive oil in my chicken pan and added it to the top of our noodles.

It was a WINNER!-even Jenna loved it although she didn't have the bell peppers. ;-) her loss.

Dinner #2 this week was.....okay, first I have to say that the name sounds NASTY...and I'm not sure why I picked this to cook BUT so glad I did because it's a new family favorite.  So just don't focus on the name.  

I think I chose it because I had chicken and cauliflower.  Just call it chicken casserole because you are going to want to make this for the fam. It was Jenna's favorite this week.

Here is how I changed it to make it work for us:

First, we were out of verde salsa so I just used red salsa.  So basically mine should be called Red Chicken Enchilada Cauliflower Casserole.  Longest name ever.

Second, I didn't use cilantro....I didn't have any.  

Trust me ya'll it was good.

Dinner #3 this week...I feel like I should get some kind of cooking award or homemaker award.  I'm killing' it.  

I don't know about you but I love some breakfast for dinner.  This was good and it made enough for breakfast too. Double win.

Here's how I changed it:

The recipe says 15 was still like egg soup.  So I cooked mine for 30 minutes and it was perfect. I added a little maple syrup to the top of mine and again, it was a WINNER!!  So yummy.

Oh and I just thought you'd like to see my cute little treasures from Magnolia Market and a sneak peek at my latest project I'm working on.


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