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Showing posts from February, 2014

Short and Sweet

Happy LOVE Day!! Just stopping by the blog to drop off my newest font.  I wanted to share it early enough so you would have time to use it.  This one is my FAVORITE!!!  Stop by my TPT store to pick it up for free.  Have a sweet day!!

FREEBIE on a Snowy FrIdAy

It's a SNOW DAY!!  Oh, the excitement of a snow day.  It's like a special little gift wrapped in snow.  It's not that I really want to be out........I have a ton to do, it's just the unexpectedness of it all that excites me.  Can we discuss the panic that took place yesterday at school??? The panic that people have in Texas makes me giggle a little.  You should have seen the school yesterday.  Children were bouncing off the walls.  The intercom was going off every 2 minutes calling for students to come down because they were being picked up.  Children were bouncing off the walls.  The team leader's walkie talkies were going off for additional children that were not being announced on the intercom.  The children were bouncing off the walls.  At 11:30 they announced we would be dismissing early and the entire school would need to go to the lunchroom to eat before the early dismissal at 12:20.  The children were trying to clim...

HO HO Oh No!!!

If cameras were in the classroom AT&T would be calling me for their next commercial.  I LOVE these commercials because I feel like everyone in the world gets a little glimpse of the great conversations that take place in the classroom of young kids.  Sometimes the most amazing conversations take place and then sometimes......not so much..  Okay, back to "HO". I had given my kids all the letters in the words GROUNDHOG DAY.  I then challenged them to come up with 25 new words using these specific letters.  They are hard at work when I get this question "Can I use the word "ho"?  Me: "Well, no because hoe (then I precede to tell them about a garden hoe and what it is used for-you know, building a little background knowledge, just in case) is spelled with an "e" and you don't have an "e" available to you."   Another student says, "I mean the other "ho"."  Me: "Well, that's not really appropria...

For the LOVE of TIME

Wow!  Really?!  It's been since October!!!  Life got so busy....I've thought about my little blog and of course my Little Sass has asked me "why don't you write on your blog?"  Apparently, she follows me (who knew?) but I have just been running around like a crazy woman.  I currently have a student teacher with me and as much as I want the TIME to just sit and visit with her about everything I LOVE about being in the classroom I just don't have TIME.  Personally, the only thing she is probably learning from me is that it is a true juggling act in the classroom with TIME being one of the things that we juggle.  Of course, we all want more time, even the people who aren't in the classroom but there is something about sitting with a child who is struggling and feeling like if I could just have a little more time they would get it.   Ha!!  On a side my spare time I decided to go back to school for my Master's degree in Element...