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Showing posts from January, 2016

Crafts on a DIME about changes. I didn't know that "I didn't know how to budget" until Mr. Kirby started teaching. Getting paid once a month almost killed us last lie. My teacher friends understand that December to January wait. Can I get an AMEN?!?  Thank goodness that's over until next year .                                         Truth. So we were thinking....what can we do that doesn't cost any money.  CRAFTS!! Little sass and I were feeling crafty this past weekend but remember, we didn't have any money!!! No problem, we got creative and crafty with the things we do have.   The first craft needed small sticks, an old picture frame, and a glue gun. I had some spray paint in the garage so I painted the frame gray.  Then I started piecing the sticks around the frame like puzzle pieces with hot glue.  I wrote some LOVE scriptures and placed it in the frame.  I LOVE the way it turned out and I think it looks gr

A New Year!!

It's a brand new year....actually the 15th day of a brand new year!!  In case you are like me and lose track of time. We have decorated ourselves with festive sweaters, started never-ending puzzles and rang in the new year with secret missions every hour.  ;-)  I have really treasured and enjoyed my time with my family lately.  Yes, I still spend a ridiculous amount of time working at home but now that Mr. Kirby is teaching we actually do a lot of this together.  It has become some of the sweetest seconds in my day.  I LOVE listening to his classroom stories, I LOVE the way he LOVES his kids, and I LOVE his passion.  It is so refreshing to watch a new teacher and their passion to be every child's advocate.  Old teachers (not that I'm old) need to spend time with fresh new teachers every now and then.  It's good for the soul.  This week is semester change so he will be getting a new set of kids on Monday.  He doesn't understand how they could even compare