about changes. I didn't know that "I didn't know how to budget" until Mr. Kirby started teaching. Getting paid once a month almost killed us last lie. My teacher friends understand that December to January wait. Can I get an AMEN?!? Thank goodness that's over until next year.
So we were thinking....what can we do that doesn't cost any money. CRAFTS!!
Little sass and I were feeling crafty this past weekend but remember, we didn't have any money!!! No problem, we got creative and crafty with the things we do have.
The first craft needed small sticks, an old picture frame, and a glue gun. I had some spray paint in the garage so I painted the frame gray.
Then I started piecing the sticks around the frame like puzzle pieces with hot glue.
I wrote some LOVE scriptures and placed it in the frame. I LOVE the way it turned out and I think it looks great with our decor.
Next, I wanted to dress up our large front porch. When we moved in to our home the people before us left these awful, rusty chairs in the backyard.
I'm thinking there is nothing that can't be fixed with a little spray paint. So I sanded and scraped off old paint. Then I emptied 2 cans of black spray paint and they look brand new!!
I found the fabric in our craft drawer and I will use it to make cushions. Pictures of the cushions coming soon! (no sew cushions ;)
The next craft required all our old wine corks. We keep our wine corks in a pretty jar and have been saving them for a few years. I'm picturing in my head a BIG, beautiful cork wreath but turns out we don't drink as much as I thought. I had to scale down the craft...
I needed cardboard, hot glue gun, and burlap. First, I traced the heart on cardboard and cut it out. Next, I hot glued each cork to the shape. Finally, I added burlap to the heart for a decorative touch OR to hang it.
It's tiny and my goal is to DRINK MORE WINE my crafts depend on that.
Okay, the last craft was all about my little sass. Our favorite art teacher left her supplies and showed her how to make this so we had everything at home.
We needed watercolors, cardstock, and black printing ink. Jenna drew an elephant and used that in her picture.
We could have used a little more black...but it turned out cute and she enjoyed making it.
Some of the sweetest seconds in my days are the times I spend crafting with this girl.
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