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Showing posts from March, 2014

We Never Stop Learning

Wow!  Time flies when you're having fun....right!?!  Spring break is coming to an end and I'm sad to say goodbye to sleeping in, staying up late, and hanging out with the family.  All these things are so good for our teacher spirits and I enjoyed every minute of it.  I feel like my teacher tank has been refilled.  Just like keeping our car's gas tank from being on EMPTY, we need to keep our teacher tank full.  Yes, I'm guilty of driving around with the light on and pushing it as far as I can but WE MUST REFILL.   Since this school year began I've had a student teacher with me.  Sometimes in my shadow, sometimes taking the lead, and sometimes teaching alongside.  Her last week was the week before spring break.  As a matter of fact, the last week before spring break, I had 2 student teachers with me.  One was observing and the other was finishing her internship and saying her goodbyes.  It was a FULL class!  The stude...

Make it STICK!!

Well Sweet Friends, I completed my very first master's class.  Yes, I'm feeling super accomplished.  Especially, since I spent more time looking up words in the syllabus to figure out what they meant than I did actually working.  Seriously. Good news for you..... I'm here to share!!  During my class I needed to identify a problem within my classroom and create a way to solve/or help with this problem based on my research.  I have a handful of my kids this year that were struggling with comprehension, not because of a struggle with the actual words but because they were not relating to or thinking about what they were reading.  So I'm happy to share my creation of the...........STICKY RECALL. I created this with the intention that I would be sitting with these kids and not only allowing them to have a conversation with me and the small group but also give them the opportunity to write it out.  This gave them another opportunity to commit their st...