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Showing posts from April, 2014

Egg Hunting for a Little Review {FREEBIE}

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned how excited I was for that SNOW(ice) DAY many months ago but guess what?!---I'm not excited anymore.  Wanna know why?....because we have to make up the missed day.  Snow days are fun, making up days are not.   So what's a teacher to do??  I guess I'll have to make our make-up day FUN.  Tomorrow we will be doing a little review BUT the review questions will be hidden in eggs around the room.  Ummm....that sounds fun to me and I'm pretty positive I know 21 little kiddos that will think so too.  {click here } I'm not sure what ya'll have planned for Good Friday but if you're going to school like me then plan to make it FUN!