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Showing posts from May, 2015

Late But Loved....Mother's Day

To say we've been busy would be an understatement.  It's funny because if we are home at least one day out of the week it's considered a slow week.  I'm not complaining. I love my family and the time we spend together. I do have a small confession though...I've been running around like crazy mom that I almost forgot about getting my Mother's Day gift ready at school. It seriously became a last minute gift but I think it turned out precious and hopefully none of the mommas felt as though they were a last minute thought.  Hobby Lobby had everything I needed. 1) 1X1 mosiac tiles 2) ribbon 3) necklace loop (this is not the official name) 4) Modge Podge 5) strong ceramic glue (to attach the necklace loop) Considering I was running a little behind I'm happy this project was fast and easy. The kids wrote an "I Love You" message on the back of the tile and then Modge Podged their picture to the front. I made 1X1 pictures in Mic...