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Showing posts from November, 2017

When Your Birthday Is GUCCI

I'm sure everyone knows how much I LOVE this guy right here. Yea, he's pretty great!  So I wanted to make sure that I got him an extra special birthday gift.  He hasn't had new cologne in yeeeeeaaarrss.  So I thought he'd probably LOVE some new cologne.  His favorite cologne is Gucci Guilty. If you know him then you know he's not ALL FANCY and he probably wouldn't want me to share that his favorite cologne is Gucci.  But it is. So I'm super excited for him to open his gift.  He opens his gift before school and is thrilled.  He takes it out the box and it looks like this... He laughed and said "this looks different than what I remember and well, the gold, that's a little over the top".  It was really GOLD and wherever you touched it you would leave finger smudges.  He did several spritzes and then a few more for good measure. After a few minutes he came in to tell me that he googled women's gucci guilty because he smells to...