On our way to half moon bay Josh stopped at a road side market to buy me some cherries. They were so YUMMY! I was surprised by the amount of fruit crops along the coast to Half Moon Bay State Beach. We made a quick side trip to Pidgeon Point because the lighthouse was just too cute to pass. We walked behind the lighthouse on an overlook and watched sea lions sunbathing. Sea Lions….actual sea lions! I know they don’t come from the zoo but I’ve never seen them in their natural habitat. Bean enjoyed the ocean for the first time. He chased waves, shadows of the sea gulls, and hopped around the sand. Half Moon Bay State Beach He provided us with hours of entertainment. Next stop…SAN FRANCISO. Whatever happened to predictability, the milkman, the paperboy, the evening t.v.??? Yes, we found the Full House house. There was a small warning sign reminding us not to be too loud or do anythi...