Well ya'll, I have so many wonderful things going on in the classroom and it's all things techy. I cannot wait to share a few of them with you.
If you haven't stopped by our class blog then you should.
If you haven't stopped by our class blog then you should.
These authentic pieces of writing just make me so stinkin' happy. I constantly check my email throughout the weekend to see if they have written anything. Not because I told them to but because they want to. (insert happy teacher dance right here)
I took my very first student bloggers to the school board and they told our school board what a blog is and why they think it's important. I gave each one of the kids that presented a small journal, sticky notes and pens to write their ideas about things they'd like to blog about. This is what their journals look like 2 days later....
These kids cannot get enough!! Look at all their THOUGHTS...
Look at this fantastic free site for kids to create their own digital books...
Yes, it's FREE! Kids can create their OWN digital storybooks and then leave them on a digital shelf for other kids OR parents to read. {squealing!!!} Ya'll I get really excited over stuff like this......
Oh and you can leave them feedback. The days of a big smiley face are over my friends. They need feedback! They love feedback! We all do....let me know what you think :-)
Okay, last little techy share and tell for today. Have you ever tried a thing link? It's also FREE.
I actually made this for my students to use when we get back from the break. This image has several links to biographies and tools for students to learn about historical figures. {click here to check it out}
This fun little tool provides students with sites that the teacher wants them to visit BUT the students are making a choice about which one to visit and what they are interested in learning.
Okay friends, I am off to eat meat pies at an Australian food truck, watch A Christmas Story at the Dallas Theater and then participate in our small town Christmas parade. BEST. DAY. EVER.
All My Love,
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