So....where do I begin? Well, I have finally finished all my classes for my master's degree. I've turned in my ARP paper and I'm just waiting to hear from the university. It has been weird making plans to do something without first checking to see how much I should read and how many papers I should write before I make plans. I have so much {mind} time. It's great!
Mind mind has been racing with ways to get my kids prepared to be a BIG 5th grader. I want to fill their learning gaps and help them to continue to grow and learn. Let me show what is going on in my classroom.
After my students' last test I printed out each individual student's data chart for that assessment.
They placed this chart in their data folder and highlighted the objectives that they scored below 75% on.
I have placed tubs around the classroom filled with activities and games that will help reinforce the objective that the student struggled with and needs to learn. Each tub is labeled with the different student objectives.
Mind mind has been racing with ways to get my kids prepared to be a BIG 5th grader. I want to fill their learning gaps and help them to continue to grow and learn. Let me show what is going on in my classroom.
After my students' last test I printed out each individual student's data chart for that assessment.
I have placed tubs around the classroom filled with activities and games that will help reinforce the objective that the student struggled with and needs to learn. Each tub is labeled with the different student objectives.
The kids will be in charge of looking at their objectives and choosing a skill that they need to work on. During this station time I will be meeting with small groups for guided reading instruction. My goal for my students is for them to be aware of what they are struggling with and become responsible with their time to become better. They will become independent learners in charge of their own learning!
Well, I realize that I have been rambling and if you have stayed with me for this long I've got a goodie for you...
I made these activities to help with the student objective 4.2A
{I can determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes.}
{click here}
You can stop by my tpt and pick it up for FREE until tomorrow. Hurry!
Have a fantastic week!
You are amazing dear friend! I love your data folders!